domingo, 28 de octubre de 2012

Sunday activities

Today, Sunday, the exchange students have done different activities with the host families:  some have gone to one of the Malls in the area, others have visited  places in Washington, DC  and some have gone, for the day, to New York city. They are now returning from the trip.
In my case, I’ve had  a really good time. In the morning, after breakfast, I went to the church to volunteer. I went with my exchange student Stephanie with kids around 6 and 7 years, and we played games, we painted pictures about our worries and then we threw them away, we sang songs ... I had fun there because I love staying with children and doing volunteer work. After that, we went to the mall and we had lunch there. We had lunch in one Japanese restaurant and then we went shopping!!!  We ate a frozen yogurt and then we went back to the house.
We're having a long weekend because of the storm, we will not be having classes on  Monday and Tuesday! We're having a great time here, thanks Good Counsel !

Paula Sobrino Ara

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